YourTarget is not just a marketing agency - it is a microcosm in which people enjoy moving around, working together with commitment, developing themselves personally - and helping to shape forward-looking services. From this microcosm we want to inspire others to differentiate themselves through an authentic inbound culture. So that the whole world becomes more inbound!
YourTarget clears the way: more visibility, more success, more growth. Often we start by clearly identifying the potential and positioning of our customers and by identifying where they stand - and where they want to go. In this way, we actively support them.Our central office is located in the middle of Zurich, the vibrant heart of Switzerland.
YourTarget lives and work in many different places, from Zurich to Milan, and from Philadelphia to Dubai.At YourTarget you will find a refreshing mix of skills & abilities, dreams & visions, realism & acumen. All in all we offer you an all-around harmonious full service environment for your digital transformation.
YourTarget is affiliated with HubSpot.
We work with S.M.A.R.T. Goal
For us, goals are an essential part of the potential success of your campaign. They provide structure and purpose and something to work towards. However, nailing down effective goal requires a bit of thought and planning.
For us goal need to be:
Specific - Your goal should be unambiguous and communicate what is expected, why it is important, who’s involved, where it is going to happen and which constraints are in place.
Measurable - Your goal should have concrete criteria for measuring progress and reaching the goal.
Attainable - Your goal should be realistic and possible for your team to reach.
Relevant - Your goal should matter to your business and address a core initiative.
Timely - You should have an expected date that you will reach the goal.
10 - 49 people in their team
Based in Zürich