With our lives and businesses being on the internet, making a genuine human connection is a lot more difficult, while maintaining its importance. Empathy, closeness, and understanding can be lost when we put a screen between people. Knowing the hurdles to overcome, Classic City Consulting leads in web design with a “Connection-First’ mindset.
We bring heart to every transaction, both online and offline, by putting our clients at the center of our design foundation. This way, we can uncover their authentic selves and channel it through rigorous technical creativity to deliver a brand that is truly differentiated from the competition.
CONNECTION: We guide our clients and their customers with the tools to nurture successful relationships.
OPPORTUNITY: We equip our clients with the tools to communicate effectively with their target audience.
DETAILS: We don't do anything "half way." Anything we send to our clients is thorough and tested.
UNDERSTANDING: We make the time to listen and address our client’s questions and concerns.
CAPTIVATION: We craft attention-grabbing journey through design that are developed around our client’s personality, mission, and goals.
TIMELINESS: If we say we're going to deliver, we design a timeline that works for your project and your business.
OBJECTIVITY: We're not afraid to bounce ideas off our clients. If we think there is a better way to solve a problem, we'll be sure to tell them, as well as the reason why we think so.
RESILIENCE: We recover quickly from difficult conditions and keep moving forward.
Learn more at https://classiccity.com.
2 - 9 people in their team
Based in Atlanta